it's not supposed to go like that- (go back »)

April 18 2009, 8:25 PM

i know most of you didn't know them. actually, i barely knew them.

but please pray for tad & leigh anna and their families & friends.

tad was 19 & leigh anna was 16.

their car was struck by a drunk driver last night, and they both lost their lives.

they were somone's child. someone's best friend. someone's brother & sister.

it just makes you think about how short life can be, how easily that could have been you or someone you love, and how lucky we all are to still be living.

so please..the next time a few simple things don't go your way, you have a bad day, somebody else gets what you wanted, you can't go to a concert, or whatever it is that's going wrong in your life....think again. you are SO lucky. it could be much worse. at times when life doesn't go how you wanted, please remember that you're still alive and well.

i know this is just a blog, and it probably won't make a difference to any of you, but all i ask is that you be thankful for life, and that you're still living right now. you hear it all the time, live life to the fullest, but please take it to heart this time.

we don't know how many days we have left to live, but we do know that after today, it's one less.

please pray for tad & leigh anna, and their families & friends.

thank you.

"it's not supposed to go like that
it's not intended to end that way
life is a journey constantly turning
down an unknown path
but it's not supposed to go like that"


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