you're sentenced to death the day you're born. (go back »)

November 7 2008, 12:57 AM

"you're sentenced to death the day you're born."

okay. so that quote is pretty morbid, not gonna lie, but it's 100% true. in truth, the only thing we know for sure the day we’re born is that we’re going to die someday; we just don’t know when. most people, especially people as young as myself, seem to think that we have forever to live and accomplish everything we want to do in life. but sadly, no; as much as we like to think so, we don't know how many days we have left to live. all we know for sure is that tomorrow, it's one less. all we can do is live life to the fullest, which can be hard at difficult times. life happens to you while you’re making plans; which sometimes causes those plans or even lifelong dreams to backfire, whether it’s losing someone you love, or being in a complicated situation, life happens and moves fast even if you’re not ready. and things change before we can turn around. sometimes for worse, and sometimes for the better; and there’s nothing we can do about it but accept it and move on.


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