best friend quotes = amazing. (go back »)

February 17 2009, 7:19 PM

i know we have been though some hard and rough times, but you will always be my best friend no matter what happens.

you're my best friend. that means no matter how far away you are, or how late in the night it is, when you need me, i promise i'll always be there.

when it hurts to look back, and you’re scared to look ahead, you can always look beside you and your best friend will always be there.

true friendship isn't being inseperable, it's being separted and nothing changes.

best friends; it's a promise, not a label.

everyone awaits the day they find that once in a lifetime friendship. i'm so glad i finally have mine.

but we understand each other, and we care about each other, and i believe that years from now, we still will.

we’ve had our fights, our ups and downs, but when big things came along, we could work anything out. we’d fight over boys then laugh it off because we learned it wasn’t worth it. we knew that our friendship would make it through anything. it feels like we’ve been friends for forever and really, we pretty much have. but no matter what you’ve always been there for me when i needed you the most, and i love you to death for that.

there are going to be times in your life when all you wanna do is lay down in the middle of the road during rush hour. just know that no matter how many times you feel like laying there, i’ll always be here to block traffic.

what defines a best friend? what are the requirements to be a good best friend? how many hours a week does it entail? stupid questions that have no answers. a best friend is not defined by how many times they talk on the phone or how many hours they hang out together. it’s not defined by how many sleepovers they gossip at or how many inside jokes they have. there are no requirements or laws that state that a good best friend must hang out with them every weekend or tell each other every little detail. a best friend is a matter of opinion. It’s the person who has been there for you through everything, not just through the fun things or the little things. it’s the person that you call when you’re at your absolute worst. it’s the person who saves you when you didn’t even notice that you needed saving. mostly, it’s the person who accepts you for who you are and the person that you’re becoming.

you’re one of the few things that helps me start my day, that keeps me strong when the happiness starts to fade.

some friends just can’t be replaced but luckily, some don’t have to be.

true friends are the people who are there for you unconditionally. they’re the people who never question you and support you no matter what the circumstances are. they are the people worth fighting for.


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