wtf is a rea. (go back »)

April 28 2009, 9:34 PM

i should have blogged about this part a while ago, but i never thought about it.

12.28 - 1.2

-sat on the ground in the middle of an airport
-went to Hville
-followed around a black hummer
-was "taylor" at starbucks. twice.
-got harassed by a creeper at burger king
-saw twilight for the thousandth time, not illegally
-rubbed a buddha belly
-put fearless in front of all the other cds at FYE & walmart
-put up with a prank caller skank
-accidentally rented a whore-or movie, and a sucky movie
-stayed up until 4 am every night
-watched way too much 7th heaven
-finally had dr. pepper
-twitched when a waitress walked by because she was rue
-called latinos
-didn't go iceskating
-walked around walmart yelling martha
-watched tay & kellie on new years eve
-fireworks on new years eve
-"that's what kellie pickler said"
-kethup and macaroni. no comment.
-saw the cutest puppy in the world
-made a list of why taylor pones carrie
-read this certain short girl's super amazingggg song lyrics
-that's what you get when you let your heart win-ed lauren
-changed kristina's about me on her phone
-imed each other even though we were all in the car at the same time
-listened to breathe in the car. no comment.
-hugged like 10 times before we left
-texted right after the we all left

this took a lotttt of thinking for me to remember all that.
one of the best weeks ever<3

p.s.- squids have 10 legs, not 8.
if you put your phone in your mouth, the sounds comes out your noise.
wtf is a rea?
jonas. leather pants. hot day. "no, silly, his toesies aren't in his pants"
20 oz. pones 12 oz.
two words: miracle. manna.


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