wtf is a rea.

April 28 2009, 9:34 PM

i should have blogged about this part a while ago, but i never thought about it.

12.28 - 1.2

-sat on the ground in the middle of an airport
-went to Hville
-followed around a black hummer
-was "taylor" at starbucks. twice.
-got harassed by a creeper at burger king
-saw twilight for the thousandth time, not illegally
-rubbed a buddha belly
-put fearless in front of all the other cds at FYE & walmart
-put up with a prank caller skank
-accidentally rented a whore-or movie, and a sucky movie
-stayed up until 4 am every night
-watched way too much 7th heaven
-finally had dr. pepper
-twitched when a waitress walked by because she was rue
-called latinos
-didn't go iceskating
-walked around walmart yelling martha
-watched tay & kellie on new years eve
-fireworks on new years eve
-"that's what kellie pickler said"
-kethup and macaroni. no comment.
-saw the cutest puppy in the world
-made a list of why taylor pones carrie
-read this certain short girl's super amazingggg song lyrics
-that's what you get when you let your heart win-ed lauren
-changed kristina's about me on her phone
-imed each other even though we were all in the car at the same time
-listened to breathe in the car. no comment.
-hugged like 10 times before we left
-texted right after the we all left

this took a lotttt of thinking for me to remember all that.
one of the best weeks ever<3

p.s.- squids have 10 legs, not 8.
if you put your phone in your mouth, the sounds comes out your noise.
wtf is a rea?
jonas. leather pants. hot day. "no, silly, his toesies aren't in his pants"
20 oz. pones 12 oz.
two words: miracle. manna.


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it's not supposed to go like that-

April 18 2009, 8:25 PM

i know most of you didn't know them. actually, i barely knew them.

but please pray for tad & leigh anna and their families & friends.

tad was 19 & leigh anna was 16.

their car was struck by a drunk driver last night, and they both lost their lives.

they were somone's child. someone's best friend. someone's brother & sister.

it just makes you think about how short life can be, how easily that could have been you or someone you love, and how lucky we all are to still be living.

so please..the next time a few simple things don't go your way, you have a bad day, somebody else gets what you wanted, you can't go to a concert, or whatever it is that's going wrong in your life....think again. you are SO lucky. it could be much worse. at times when life doesn't go how you wanted, please remember that you're still alive and well.

i know this is just a blog, and it probably won't make a difference to any of you, but all i ask is that you be thankful for life, and that you're still living right now. you hear it all the time, live life to the fullest, but please take it to heart this time.

we don't know how many days we have left to live, but we do know that after today, it's one less.

please pray for tad & leigh anna, and their families & friends.

thank you.

"it's not supposed to go like that
it's not intended to end that way
life is a journey constantly turning
down an unknown path
but it's not supposed to go like that"


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best friend quotes = amazing.

February 17 2009, 7:19 PM

i know we have been though some hard and rough times, but you will always be my best friend no matter what happens.

you're my best friend. that means no matter how far away you are, or how late in the night it is, when you need me, i promise i'll always be there.

when it hurts to look back, and you’re scared to look ahead, you can always look beside you and your best friend will always be there.

true friendship isn't being inseperable, it's being separted and nothing changes.

best friends; it's a promise, not a label.

everyone awaits the day they find that once in a lifetime friendship. i'm so glad i finally have mine.

but we understand each other, and we care about each other, and i believe that years from now, we still will.

we’ve had our fights, our ups and downs, but when big things came along, we could work anything out. we’d fight over boys then laugh it off because we learned it wasn’t worth it. we knew that our friendship would make it through anything. it feels like we’ve been friends for forever and really, we pretty much have. but no matter what you’ve always been there for me when i needed you the most, and i love you to death for that.

there are going to be times in your life when all you wanna do is lay down in the middle of the road during rush hour. just know that no matter how many times you feel like laying there, i’ll always be here to block traffic.

what defines a best friend? what are the requirements to be a good best friend? how many hours a week does it entail? stupid questions that have no answers. a best friend is not defined by how many times they talk on the phone or how many hours they hang out together. it’s not defined by how many sleepovers they gossip at or how many inside jokes they have. there are no requirements or laws that state that a good best friend must hang out with them every weekend or tell each other every little detail. a best friend is a matter of opinion. It’s the person who has been there for you through everything, not just through the fun things or the little things. it’s the person that you call when you’re at your absolute worst. it’s the person who saves you when you didn’t even notice that you needed saving. mostly, it’s the person who accepts you for who you are and the person that you’re becoming.

you’re one of the few things that helps me start my day, that keeps me strong when the happiness starts to fade.

some friends just can’t be replaced but luckily, some don’t have to be.

true friends are the people who are there for you unconditionally. they’re the people who never question you and support you no matter what the circumstances are. they are the people worth fighting for.


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January 12 2009, 8:44 PM

i know it's not good at all, but i really just wanted to put it on my blog since it's been on my mind lately.



it was last winter on a cold day

but little did i know that nothing could be colder than you

it was the day i gave up on you

when i found out your mistake

it shook me to the core


i could ask you why a thousand times

and i'd still never understand

why you did what you did to me

and you thought i wouldn't mind

it's been a long time since i walked away

but i'll always wonder why

why i wasn't good enough for you

all i ask is why


you'll never be sorry

apoligies can't erase the past

they say forgive & forget

but it's easier said than done

when the one you love rips out your heart

and makes you feel like you never mattered to begin with



i could ask you why a thousand times

and i'd still never understand

why you did what you did to me

and you thought i wouldn't mind

it's been a long time since i walked away

but i'll always wonder why

why i wasn't good enough for you

all i ask is why


every time i turn around

you've shattered another heart

another girl broken

becauses of your lies

i was once that girl too


i could ask you why a thousand times

and i'd still never understand

why you did what you did to me

and you thought i wouldn't mind

it's been a long time since i walked away

but i'll always wonder why

why i wasn't good enough for you

all i ask is why.




you're sentenced to death the day you're born.

November 7 2008, 12:57 AM

"you're sentenced to death the day you're born."

okay. so that quote is pretty morbid, not gonna lie, but it's 100% true. in truth, the only thing we know for sure the day we’re born is that we’re going to die someday; we just don’t know when. most people, especially people as young as myself, seem to think that we have forever to live and accomplish everything we want to do in life. but sadly, no; as much as we like to think so, we don't know how many days we have left to live. all we know for sure is that tomorrow, it's one less. all we can do is live life to the fullest, which can be hard at difficult times. life happens to you while you’re making plans; which sometimes causes those plans or even lifelong dreams to backfire, whether it’s losing someone you love, or being in a complicated situation, life happens and moves fast even if you’re not ready. and things change before we can turn around. sometimes for worse, and sometimes for the better; and there’s nothing we can do about it but accept it and move on.


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Last update Jul 9, 2009


